Project Information

In this section you can enter the generic information about your request/project.

Mandatory fields are:

  • Subject: a brief description of the issue and the one you will see in the tickets summary. Should be something which will help you quickly identify your request.
  • Message: a detailed description of the issue,
  • Project name: the name of the project you are working on or some name with which we can refers to your request,
  • Excepted project deadline: we use this information to have some hint about the priority of this request
  • Preferred study type: there are two possible options: only acquire images or add to them a complete test report. They differ for the time needed by our application engineer to carry out the tasks.

In case you have a budget limit for this project, you can answer yes to the non-mandatory field asking it, but in this case it will be necessary to specify a specific amount and the currency you use.

Fsr 4

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